David Rosner
David Rosner is Ronald H. Lauterstein Professor of Sociomedical Sciences and Professor of History at Columbia University and Co-Director of the Center for the History of Public Health at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health. An elected member of the National Academy of Medicine, he received his BA from CCNY, his MPH from the University of Massachusetts, and his Ph.D. from Harvard in the History of Science. Until moving to Columbia in 1998, he was University Distinguished Professor of History at the City University of New York.
In addition to numerous grants, he has been a Guggenheim Fellow, a recipient of a Robert Wood Johnson Investigator Award, a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, and a Josiah Macy Fellow. He has been awarded the Distinguished Scholar’s Prize from the City University, the Viseltear Prize for Outstanding Work in the History of Public Health from the APHA, and the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Massachusetts School of Public Health. He has also been honored by the New York Committee on Occupational Safety and Health, and he and Gerald Markowitz have been awarded the Upton Sinclair Memorial Lectureship “For Outstanding Occupational Health, Safety, and Environmental Journalism by the American Industrial Hygiene Association.” He has been awarded the John McGovern Prize from Sigma Xi, the National Science Honors Society, and the “Beyond the Call of Duty” Award from the Childhood Lead Action Project. Most recently, he was awarded a prize for “Outstanding Scholarship on the History of Work and Health,” by the International Commission on Occupational Health, Scientific Committee on the History of Prevention of Occupational and Environmental Disease, and a Congressional Certificate of Appreciation from the offices of U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. He is on numerous editorial boards including Public health Reports, Journal of Public Health Policy, and the Bulletin of the History of Medicine.
He is an author or co-author (with Gerald Markowitz) on eleven books including A Once Charitable Enterprise: Hospitals and Health Care in New York and Brooklyn (Cambridge University Press), Deadly Dust: Silicosis and the On-going Struggle over Workers’ Safety and Health in 20th Century America (Princeton University Press and University of Michigan Press), Deceit and Denial: The Deadly Politics of Industrial Pollution (University of California Press/Milbank, 2002; 2013) and edited with Susan Reverby Health Care in America: Essays in Social Medicine (Temple, 1978). His latest book is Lead Wars: The Politics of Science and the Fate of America’s Children (University of California Press/Milbank, 2013). Presently, he is writing “Building the Worlds that Kill Us: the Un-Natural History of Disease.”
David Rosner is a member of the Presidential Scholars in Society and Neuroscience Advisory Committee.