Event Description
Growing up with a passion for nature and art, Carol Mason never initially considered a life of scientific research on cells and molecules and leading a lab. Fast forward to today, and Dr. Mason is one of the world’s leading experts in the study of the visual system. Her research explores how nerve cells in our eyes grow and connect to the brain, allowing us to see. Her own eye for form and natural talent in drawing and photography have played a role in her discoveries of how neurons extend from the eyes and make their way to their specified destinations deep in the brain. This work could lead to new therapies to restore vision to the blind. Please join Dr. Rui Costa as he engages Dr. Mason in this scientific spotlight about how her leanings toward art turned into a lifelong path within the realm of science, noting the steps along the way that led her to becoming an authority on the development of the mammalian visual system.
Event Speakers
- Carol A. Mason, Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology, Neuroscience and Ophthalmic Science; Principal Investigator and Chair of Interschool Planning at Columbia's Zuckerman Institute
- Rui Costa, Professor of Neuroscience and Neurology; Director and Chief Executive Officer of Columbia's Zuckerman Institute
Event Information
Free and open to the public, registration is required by April 23, 2021. Please email Lisa Glynn at [email protected] with any questions.
Hosted by the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute at Columbia University.