2015 Seed Grants Awarded

July 15, 2015

Four Presidential Scholars Seed Grants were awarded to Columbia University faculty members for Interdisciplinary Projects in Society and Neuroscience. This year’s grants will support new and innovative research collaborations in the areas of neuroscience and psychology, sociology, public health, communication, social justice, early childhood development, and economics.  Our 2015 Seed Grant recipients are:

Geraldine Downey (Psychology), Carl Hart (Psychiatry and Psychology), and Frances Negron-Muntaner (English and Comparative Literature); Proposal Title: Supporting Just Drug Policies through Neuroscience and Narrative

Jacqueline Gottlieb (Neuroscience) and Michael Woodford (Economics); Proposal Title:  Determinants of Attention and Information Seeking in Human Economic Choice

Kimberly Noble (Pediatrics and Neuroscience), Jane Waldfogel (Social Work), and William Fifer (Pediatrics and Psychiatry); Proposal Title: Socioeconomic Disparities in Cognitive and Brain Development during the First Year of Life

Kavita Sivaramakrishnan (Public Health and History) and Jennifer Manly (Neuropsychology):  Aging in the Brain and the Brain in Aging Societies; Proposal Title: The Role and Function of Culture, Cognition, and History amongst Older Adult Populations

Visit the Seed Grants page on our website to learn more about the 2015 Seed Grants.